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How was I able to help?

People who worked with me

Personal opinions on how I was able to show up and be supportive to people
and help them succeed in their environment.


I first met Marius through the Junior Chamber International network, he was part of the organizing team of the first JCI Event I ever attended in 2021. Since then, we have worked together on different projects, both as team members, and self-development projects, as mentor and mentee.

Regarding our projects, I would like to emphasize his strong communication skills, effective planning and efficient management of teams and tasks. With an open attitude towards people’s ideas, constructive feedback, and positive attitude, he ensured the job would get done, and in the best way possible.

However, the most significant collaboration with Marius has been through our mentor - mentee relation. Someone asked me recently “where is this newfound confidence from?”, and, after reflecting for a bit, I replied “mentoring with Marius”. As a mentor, Marius has the incredible ability to make you feel seen, valued and heard, to identify and amplify your potential, and ultimately, to make you believe in yourself. His exercises and homeworks offered a safe space for introspection, his challenges a safe space for growth, all tied by his constructive feedback that sprouted confidence and courage.

Under his guidance, I learned how to let my (behavioral elements) fire burn, thus leading me to winning my first public speaking competition - the JCI Romania 2024 Public Speaking Competition. And alongside Marius, I facilitated my first Strategy Session - a full day of trainings regarding our Local Organization Action Plan for the year. This included evaluating expectations, swot analysis, personal and professional goals setting, Key Performance Indicators for our departments and bonding activities. We worked beautifully together to prepare and deliver this session, and his enthusiasm regarding both helping the Local Organization through these training sessions, and helping me towards achieving my goals through the opportunity of delivering such trainings made everything 10 times better.

I started collaborating with Marius in the summer of 2023. I chose him as my mentor through my JCI journey, both because of his seniority in the organization, but also because of his business acumen - an area where I wanted to develop myself.

The biggest win of working with him is that he pushes me out of my comfort zone, while still being empathetic and I always feel he has my back. And I noticed this quality during several training sessions he facilitated for the local organization.

The exercises and challenges he proposes, both for individual, as well as group sessions, are innovative and really go to the core of the explored subject. I also see him actively involved in continuously improving his skills, especially relating to public speaking.

So if you're looking for a talented trainer, able to connect with the people standing in front of him, and really passionate about his work, then look no further than Marius.

I first met Marius when I joined JCI in 2020, and since then we had a great collaboration. He is an exceptional mentor and trainer, proven by how much I have learned and grown both personally and professionally under his guidance.

Throughout our time working together, Marius consistently demonstrated remarkable communication skills, which allowed us to establish a highly effective working relationship. His ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and precision has been truly impressive. As a result, I have learned invaluable lessons on how to highlight crucial facts when writing award applications, enabling me to present my achievements more persuasively and concisely.

Moreover, Marius possesses an extraordinary talent for helping others to identify what truly matters to them when making critical decisions. I have personally benefited from his guidance in analyzing and prioritizing my activities, which has led to a significant increase in productivity and efficiency. He has a unique gift for guiding individuals to find their own path and make informed choices that align with their personal and professional aspirations, making him an extremely valuable member of our organization.

One area where Marius has had a profound impact on our team is in improving our pitching skills. Thanks to his insightful coaching, we have become more confident and persuasive presenters, capable of effectively communicating our ideas and proposals to various stakeholders.

The training session on setting objectives, both on a personal and organizational level, stands out as a pivotal moment in our team's development this year. Marius's expertise allowed us to gain a clearer overview of our goals and available resources. As a result, we were able to refocus on what truly mattered, finding ways to align individual objectives with the larger organizational vision. Since that session, we have achieved a newfound clarity in pursuing our goals and have crafted well-defined strategies for every department, leading to sustainable growth in our local organization, while also being much more united as a team.

I first met Marius Botos during the Active Citizens Academy organized by him and the JCI Targu Mures team in 2019. It was the moment I knew I wanted to join this organization. Marius was the only one who saw potential in me at that busy time in my life and encouraged me to become a part of the organization.

A year later, he initiated and coordinated The "Management Consulting" Mentorship Program, resulting in the birth of 10 consulting companies. He handed over the coordination of the second edition to me and togheter we applied with this program at the JCI European Conference, where it was recognized as the Best Business and Entrepreneurship program at the European level.

As a JCI Senator, Marius has always been a crucial pillar for JCI Targu Mures, inspiring all of us. His extensive networking has provided me with the most relevant business and personal development recommendations. Working together, I learned about strategic thinking, remaining calm under stress, crafting valuable applications, and achieving success with them.

One of his recent trainings was about setting personal and JCI goals. The information and key questions from Marius helped me clearly define my short-term and long-term goals. Being a group training, it also strengthened our team. Understanding others' objectives allows me to support them, collaborate for added value, and challenge myself and junior colleagues to surpass our limits.
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